Consultations on Vanier detour

We know that many people are not riding transit these days, but the Montreal Road revitalization project is going to make MASSIVE changes to bus routes through Vanier. So if you used to ride a bus through Vanier and think you will probably ride a bus once this pandemic is over, please take a moment to review these proposals.

The presentation is available here in English and ici en français 

Montreal road will be one lane only (Westbound, in the direction of downtown) from St. Laurent to the Vanier Parkway starting in April 2021.

This means that all buses that used to travel on Montreal road (especially the 12) will be detoured.

Here is a map of proposed changes:


Do you have comments/concerns/suggestions? Please click on this link to provide your feedback.

You can email Councillor Fleury directly at or send the Ottawa Transit Riders a message at [email protected]


Please spread the word to friends, neighbours, and family.



Nous savons que beaucoup de gens ne prennent pas les transports en commun en ce temps à cause de la pandémie, mais le projet de revitalisation du chemin de Montréal apportera des changements MASSIFS aux lignes d'autobus passant par Vanier. Donc, si vous avez régulièrement voyagé en bus à travers Vanier et que vous pensez probablement le faire après la pandémie, prenez un moment pour examiner ces propositions.

La présentation est disponible ici en français

Le chemin de Montréal sera réduit à une seule voie (direction ouest, vers le centre-ville) de St-Laurent à la promenade Vanier à partir d'avril 2021.

Cela signifie que tous les autobus qui circulaient auparavant sur le chemin de Montréal (surtout le 12) seront détournés.

Voici une carte des changements proposés :



Avez-vous des commentaires/préoccupations/suggestions? Veuillez cliquer sur ce lien pour enregistrer vos commentaires.

Vous pouvez également envoyer un courriel directement au conseiller Fleury ou vous pouvez nous informer par courriel à [email protected]

Veuillez partager les renseignements avec vos amis, voisins et famille et encouragez-les à soumettre leurs commentaires.

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The Board of the Ottawa Transit Riders Support Manor Village Residents

The Ottawa Transit Riders board stands with the tenants of Manor Village and all those who stand to be evicted due to the alignment of Phase 3 of the LRT. We urge the City of Ottawa to reconsider the alignment of the train and to re-examine the five other possible options for this section of track. 

Displacing people and destroying affordable housing near the LRT is completely antithetical to the city’s goals. Ottawa deserves an effective public transit system, but it should not come at the cost of marginalized people, and is particularly tone-deaf in light of the City’s declaration of a housing and homelessness emergency. These evictions are cruel and unjust.

ACORN is organizing a rally in opposition to the evictions at Marion Dewar Plaza on November 25 at 9am. Members of the Ottawa Transit Riders board will be in attendance and we encourage all OTR members to attend if able. 

We also urge OTR members to call the Mayor and their councillor, and to share ACORN’s online action.

ACORN's rally:



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Recent articles about transit in Ottawa

We want to highlight some recent articles on public transit.

First is an op-ed in the Ottawa Citizen by Bay Ward Councillor Theresa Kavanagh who argues that we need to re-consider our funding model for public transit. This crisis has shown that public transit is an essential service that needs to operate for transit dependent residents even when ridership declines.

It makes no sense to rely on fares for an essential service, especially if low ridership encourages politicians to raise fares on the people who can least afford it.

Kavanagh: Public transit is essential in Ottawa. It needs permanent federal funding

Councillor Kavanagh proposes Federal support for public transit services and we agree. The Ottawa Transit Riders is participating in a pan-Canadian campaign called #KeepTransitMoving that advocates for Federal support for public transit across the country.

Click here for more information on the Keep Transit Moving campaign. 


And here is a great article on how OC Transpo’s failure affects real people. One of the interviewees is Sally Thomas, board member of the Ottawa Transit Riders. There is also a second article about OC Transpo needing to idle its buses in cold weather that should give anyone who cares about the environment conniption fits.

The Human Impact of OC Transpo Failings


On November 18th, the Transit Commission voted to increase fares. Here’s an article from CBC on the vote and its implications.

CBC: OC Transpo fares to rise 2.5% in new year



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Transit Commission votes to increase fares

We lost at the Transit Commission

On November 18th the Transit Commission voted to increase transit fares as of January 2021 by 2.5%.

About a dozen people signed up to speak at the meeting. Their presentations were profoundly moving and evocative. Many talked about their personal experiences and the high cost of transit, especially for low income residents. Many pointed out the unfairness of shifting the burden of paying for the pandemic from people who can afford it (homeowners) to people who cannot (transit dependent riders).

Kudos to our own members for turning out.

Kudos to Courage Ottawa and CAWI (City for All Women Initiative) for getting so many of their members involved.

Councillor McKenney proposed studying an option of raising the transit levy but the Commission has a rule forbidding any discussion of tax increases so the motion was ruled “out of order”. We appreciate the councillor’s effort.

The eight councillors who voted to increase transit fares are:

Allan Hubley (Ward 23 Kanata South)

Jean Cloutier (Ward 18 Alta Vista)

Glen Gower (Ward 6 Stittsville)

Riley Brockington (Ward 16 River)

Jenna Sudds (Ward 4 Kanata North)

Tim Tierney (Ward 11 Beacon Hill-Cyrville)

Anthony Carricato (citizen councillor)

Michael Olsen (citizen councillor)


The three councillors who voted against are:

Theresa Kavanagh (Ward 7 Bay)

Catherine McKenney (Ward 14 Somerset)

Sarah Wright-Gilbert (citizen councillor)


The budget will be voted on by the whole city council on Wednesday December 9, 2020. You can contact your own councillor to encourage them to raise concerns if you like. Click here for a list of city councillors  


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#FlattenTheFares Stories - Elizabeth

As someone who has only been a member of the workforce for a few years, the situation is palpable. Ottawa is an expensive city. Rent prices and grocery prices have continued to increase across Canada. However, freezes on minimum wage keep low-income workers at the bottom of the bucket, making it very difficult to save or get ahead. I can’t help but picture how much more money I could invest into paying back my student loans if even a portion of my transit bill could be used to pay my debt. This transit increase represents yet another complete lack of awareness on the city’s part as to the financial situation of their citizens. I think that they should completely re-evaluate their equipass program and increase its availability to citizens in the lower-income sector. Currently you must make under $21,000 to qualify for reduced transit price. Either this needs to be tiered (with the separate section for those who make approximately 20-40k paying 60-75% of transit price) or the limit needs to be raised entirely. This way, the buck will be metaphorically passed to those who can afford to pay, while the system supports those that need it.


To put it in perspective, I currently spend about $1,000 a year on transit, and that’s while only working part time. This is supposed to be the cheaper option to buying a car. As Ottawa is a very spread out city, most workers are required to bus or train to work every day - this adds up quickly for someone with a low income. However, we are not a city with the expanse of Toronto. Although a functioning transit system is important in our city, it should be cheaper and easier to maintain than somewhere like Toronto, and kept as a tool for those who need it. Instead, the city is constantly investing millions in new, redundant projects. What was the point if not to save money for the city and the people? It hasn't improved the efficacy or the speed of my commute, and many people now have to make an additional transfer from train to bus. However, we are expected to shoulder the burden of most of this expense, and while the train looks good on paper as a way to promote the city, citizens have been complaining about it since its launch. The only way to fix it? More money, of course. Personally, I would have preferred a cheaper fare to a fancy train.


If you're interested in sharing your thoughts about the fare increase, send an email to [email protected].

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Nov 18th Transit Commission 101

Transit Commission 101

As you may know, Ottawa Transit Riders is part of a coalition of local groups advocating for the city to make its upcoming budget more people-friendly. We are angry that the city is proposing to raise transit fares by 2.5% in January.

Are you willing to join us? Here are three things you can do:

  1. Sign the petition at Horizon Ottawa to stop the fare increase: #FlattenTheFares petition 
  2. Contact your own city councillor and ask them to vote “no” on the proposal. Click here for a list of city councillors  
  3. Sign up to speak at the online Transit Commission meeting on November 18th. You can email Eric Pelot at [email protected] to ask to speak as a delegate.

If you are willing to speak at the Transit Meeting but are nervous about how to make your point, here’s a primer on presenting at the Transit Commission meeting, including some potential speaking points.

Next Transit Commission meeting:

  • Wednesday, November 18, 2020; 9:30am (end time is variable).

Main links of interest:


How do I get myself on the speakers’ list?

  • To be put on the Transit Commission speakers’ list, contact Eric Pelot at [email protected]  and indicate that you wish to speak at the next Transit Commission meeting (include the agenda item you wish to address).

How does it all work?

  • You’ll be sent a zoom link a day or two before the meeting. If you are concerned about technology (e.g., unreliable internet), you can contact the committee coordinator for the call-in number.
  • Make note of the speaking order on the agenda. This will give you a better idea of when your turn will take place, though it is important to note that your turn may arrive early if other delegates are not present.
  • You may speak in your official language of choice.
  • You’ll have up to five minutes to speak (although it is not necessary to use your full allotment)
  • If you want to provide a slide show, send your presentation to Eric Pelot in advance. 

Speaking Points (use your own words and talk about whatever you want - these notes are for guidance and consistency only)

  • During this difficult time, the people riding public transit are dependent on transit. Many are essential workers, some are low income residents - it is wrong to ask them to shoulder more of the costs.
  • We are in the midst of a climate emergency and cities have a responsibility to encourage people to use alternatives to private cars - raising fares DISCOURAGES people from using transit. Ottawa is moving in the wrong direction.
  • The LRT has not yet proven itself reliable, especially in winter weather - we should not have to pay more for such unreliable service.


Your presentation will be much more effective if you can talk about your own experience and your own personal reasons for opposing the fare increase.

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Accessibility on transit ... AMI talking to #ParaParity

The Ottawa Transit Riders work to make Ottawa’s transit system more affordable, reliable, accessible, and safe for users. 

Many of our members use mobility aids - some ride “regular” OC Transpo buses and some rely on ParaTranspo. It is absolutely essential that we fight for accessibility in our public transit system.

AMI, a non-profit media company recently produced a video talking to members of the #ParaParity campaign about their challenges getting around Ottawa. Several members of Ottawa Transit Riders, including Sally Thomas, a board member, were involved.


Please take a moment to watch: AMI on #ParaParity


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Open letter to oppose fare increase

Open Letter to Ottawa City Council regarding the proposed OC Transpo fare increase

The City of Ottawa surprised residents and community partners by announcing that it intends to impose an annual 2.5% increase in transit fares. We, the undersigned, are troubled by this move to make life less affordable, particularly for lower income residents and essential workers. 

This is a question of fairness and equity. Many low income residents are struggling during the pandemic, seeing their sources of income dry up at the same time as costs for food and other essentials are increasing. While the city has implemented several lower-cost fare options, such as the Community Pass, EquiPass and Seniors’ Pass, these often difficult-to-access measures do not help all those who need it. For example, a person working a full-time, minimum wage job is not eligible for any fare discounts and is expected to pay full fare, even though we know that their budgets are painfully stretched due to high shelter and food costs. In addition, many essential workers rely on transit; increasing fares adds to their stress levels and limits their options to get around Ottawa. Considering that Ottawa has some of the highest transit fares in Canada, it seems cruel to further burden low income residents. 

In addition to concerns about the affordability of the system, it should be noted that riders need to have confidence that our transit system can get them where they need to go without significant delays or hiccups. The city’s light rail system remains questionable. Its reliability has improved during the pandemic as fewer people ride the train, but it has yet to prove that it can handle an Ottawa winter. Riders need to see a sustained period of good functioning at regular (pre-pandemic) ridership levels in order to regain confidence in the system.

Climate change is upon us and the best way any city can reduce emissions is to encourage people to walk, bike, or take transit. We know that the city can dramatically cut emissions through the use of an electrified transit network, but increasing fares discourages people from using transit and moves us farther from our goal of a livable, resilient city. In order to encourage ridership, we need an affordable, reliable and efficient transit network that serves everyone in this city - young and old, commuters and those who travel within their own neighbourhoods, individuals with limited means and those for whom cost is not an issue.

We feel that a hike in transit fares is exactly the wrong thing for the City of Ottawa to do. Transit is an essential service and a valuable tool for combating climate change. All over the world, other cities - Paris and Montreal, for example - are building active transportation routes and encouraging people to use alternatives to private cars. Ottawa is doing the opposite. We the undersigned urge Ottawa City Council to vote against increasing fares, particularly at a time when so many are struggling.


Courage Ottawa
Ottawa Transit Riders
Healthy Transportation Coalition
Ecology Ottawa
Horizon Ottawa
Vanier Community Association
Ottawa Disability Coalition
Free Transit Ottawa
No Such Thing As CAN’T


Lettre ouverte au conseil municipal d'Ottawa concernant la proposition d'augmentation des tarifs d'OC Transpo

La Ville d'Ottawa a surpris les résidents et les partenaires communautaires en annonçant son intention d'imposer une augmentation annuelle de 2,5% des tarifs de transport en commun. Nous, soussignés, sommes troublés par cette décision de rendre la vie moins abordable, en particulier pour les résidents à faible revenu et les travailleurs essentiels.

C'est une question de justice et d'équité. De nombreux résidents à faible revenu luttent pendant la pandémie, voyant leurs sources de revenus se tarir en même temps que les coûts de la nourriture et des autres produits de première nécessité augmentent. Bien que la ville ait mis en place plusieurs options tarifaires moins chères, comme le Community Pass, l’EquiPass et le Seniors Pass, ces mesures souvent difficiles d’accès n’aident pas tous ceux qui en ont besoin. Par exemple, une personne qui travaille à temps plein au salaire minimum n'a droit à aucune réduction sur les tarifs et devrait payer le plein tarif, même si nous savons que leur budget est péniblement sollicité en raison des coûts élevés du logement et de la nourriture. De plus, de nombreux travailleurs essentiels dépendent du transport en commun; l'augmentation des tarifs augmente leur niveau de stress et limite leurs options pour se déplacer à Ottawa. Étant donné qu'Ottawa a un des tarifs de transport en commun les plus élevés au Canada, il semble cruel d'accabler davantage les résidents à faible revenu.

En plus des préoccupations relatives à l'abordabilité du système, il convient de noter que les usagers doivent avoir l'assurance que notre système de transport en commun peut les amener là où ils doivent aller sans retards ni problèmes importants. La fiabilité du système de tramway s'est améliorée pendant la pandémie, car moins de gens prennent le train, mais il n'a pas encore prouvé qu'il peut supporter un hiver à Ottawa. Les usagers doivent bénéficier d'une période prolongée de bon fonctionnement à des niveaux d'achalandage réguliers (avant la pandémie) afin de regagner la confiance dans le système.

Le changement climatique est à nos portes et la meilleure façon pour une ville de réduire ses émissions est d'encourager les gens à marcher, prendre leur vélo, ou les transports en commun. Nous savons que la ville peut réduire considérablement ses émissions de gaz à effets de serre grâce à l'utilisation d'un réseau de transport en commun électrifié, mais l'augmentation des tarifs décourage les gens d'utiliser le transport en commun et nous éloigne de notre objectif d'une ville vivable et résiliente. Afin d'encourager l'achalandage, nous avons besoin d'un réseau de transport en commun abordable, fiable et efficace qui dessert tout le monde dans cette ville -- jeunes et âgés, navetteurs et ceux qui voyagent dans leur propre quartier, les personnes aux moyens limités et ceux pour qui le coût n'est pas un problème.

Nous pensons qu'une augmentation des tarifs de transport en commun n'est pas la bonne chose à faire pour la ville d'Ottawa. Le transport en commun est un service essentiel et un outil précieux pour lutter contre le changement climatique. Partout dans le monde, d'autres villes - Paris et Montréal, par exemple - construisent des itinéraires de transport actif et encouragent les gens à utiliser des alternatives aux voitures privées. Ottawa fait le contraire. Nous, soussignés, exhortons le Conseil municipal d’Ottawa à voter contre l’augmentation des tarifs, en particulier à un moment où tant de personnes vivent des situations difficiles.


Courage Ottawa
Le groupe des usagers de transport en commun d'Ottawa
La Coalition pour les transports sains 
Écologie Ottawa
Horizon Ottawa
L'Association communautaire de Vanier
Ottawa Disability Coalition
Free Transit Ottawa
No Such Thing As CAN’T


Ottawa Transit Riders / Usagers des transports en communEcology Ottawa / Ècologie OttawaCourage OttawaHorizon OttawaOttawa Disability CoalitionVanier Community Association / Association Communautaire de VanierHealthy Transportation Coalition / Coalition pour les transports sainsFree Transit OttawaNo Such Thing as Can't

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Sign the petition - no fare increase!


Activist groups across Ottawa are working together to encourage politicians to re-think their old assumptions about budgets and create a budget that supports ALL residents.

As part of the #FlattenTheFares campaign, Horizon Ottawa is hosting a petition asking City Council not to raise transit fares.

Please sign and ask friends, family, and neighbours to express support for a kinder approach to transit users.





Des groupes d'activistes de tout Ottawa travaillent ensemble pour encourager les politiciens à repenser leurs anciennes hypothèses sur les budgets et à créer un budget qui soutienne TOUS les résidents.

Dans le cadre de la campagne #FlattenTheFares, Horizon Ottawa organise une pétition demandant au conseil municipal de ne pas augmenter les tarifs des transports en commun.

Veuillez signer la pétition et demander à vos amis, votre famille et vos voisins d'exprimer leur soutien à une approche plus douce à l'égard des usagers des transports en commun.




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Opportunity: Social Media Campaign - Have Your Voice Heard

We are looking for your stories, experiences, and feelings about the proposed 2.5% fare increase. 

Ottawa Transit Riders in collaboration with Courage Ottawa are launching a social media campaign against the fare increase. We know that Ottawans will be impacted by the fare increase, and we want to show the City leadership how their decisions will hurt the residents of Ottawa.

The campaign is simple. We will connect you with a photographer who will take a picture of you at a location significant to your transit experience. We want to show the City and OC Transpo that there are people that their decisions affect, not just “taxpayers.”

To go along with the picture will be a short write-up. We’ll provide a few open-ended questions, but feel free to speak your mind. This is an opportunity to get your voice heard. If you’re not comfortable writing something, we can schedule a one-on-one chat. If you’re more comfortable with writing, go for it.

The picture and the write-up will be featured on the Ottawa Transit Riders and Courage Ottawa social media channels. 

If you’re interested in being involved with the campaign or have questions or concerns, reach out to [email protected].

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