Organizing to win the city October 24th
With a municipal election only one year away, the Ottawa Transit Riders are working with ally groups to work towards positive change at city hall.
We’re hoping that TRANSIT is one of the major issues of the election.
On Sunday, October 24, 2021, Horizon Ottawa is hosting an in-person event at Minto park (Elgin and Gilmour) from 1PM to 3PM. Ally groups such as the Ottawa Transit Riders, Free Transit Ottawa, and Ecology Ottawa will have tables set up to encourage people to network and make plans.
Click here to RSVP or just show up.
Comme les élections municipales n'auront lieu que dans un an, le groupe des usagers du transport en commun d'Ottawa collaborent avec des groupes alliés pour travailler à un changement positif à l'hôtel de ville.
Nous espérons que le transport en commun sera l'un des principaux enjeux de l'élection.
Le dimanche 24 octobre 2021, Horizon Ottawa organise un événement en personne au parc Minto (Elgin et Gilmour) de 13h à 15h. Des groupes alliés tels que le groupe des usagers du transport en commun d'Ottawa, Free Transit Ottawa et Écologie Ottawa auront des tables installées pour encourager les gens à faire du réseautage et à faire des plans.
Cliquez ici pour RSVP ou venez simplement
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Petition for an inquiry
The Ottawa Transit Riders support councillor McKenney’s call for a judicial inquiry into the LRT. We believe in openness and transparency – we need to know how we ended up with a train that struggles to stay on the rails.
Please consider signing their petition: Call For a Judicial Inquiry On The LRT
Le groupe des usagers du transport en commun d'Ottawa appuient la demande du conseiller McKenney de tenir une enquête judiciaire sur le TLR. Nous croyons en l'ouverture et la transparence - nous devons savoir comment nous nous sommes retrouvés avec un train qui a du mal à rester sur les rails.
Veuillez envisager de signer leur pétition : Call For a Judicial Inquiry On The LRT
Is free transit for people on OW or ODSP a good thing?
Sally Thomas
If you follow me on Twitter (@sallycthomas1) you’ll know I have a lot of strong opinions…on a lot of things. This is different. I honestly cannot imagine a transit system that is totally free for anyone. Furthermore, I struggle to think of myself as different or more privileged than my fellow transit user, but I do feel that I am spending an awful lot of money on a service clearly not designed with me or others like me, in mind. The latest developments with the LRT demonstrate that I am, in fact, not the only one the city has let down.
Spending your whole life working to earn what others take for granted is counterintuitive to having something handed to you. As the name implies, Free Transit Ottawa is an advocacy group working really hard to make transit free….and they are starting with folks experiencing poverty, on Ontario Works (OW) or Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP). For the uninitiated, they’re provincial social assistance programs for people who need support to afford some of the necessities of life. When I heard that, my initial reaction was a resounding “No, I don’t want that.” In my mind, what’s free is typically not worth having anyway. I want my transit to work for me and am willing to pay for it.
Fast forward a couple days and a few conversations and I think I could be convinced. My initial trepidation, as I said, was (and still is) the service level and lack of accountability if I am not paying for it, what can I expect, right? Public transit is a public service and not a business. It should be run that way! That means that no matter who is paying what to use it, it behooves the city to ensure its efficacy. I know this has been brought up before; but what if every tax payer were to pay a little more tax so that we could fix the many ailments our transit system suffers from? I think most people would be okay with that. Transit is a need in every city! If all levels of government stepped up, it’s quite feasible that OC Transpo wouldn’t need our fares to run the service.
Some people on social media have raised concerns that people on OW or ODSP would lose transit benefits if transit were free and thus, they would be worse off.
At the time I write this, I don’t have much information on Ontario Works, but as an ODSP recipient, I found out from my worker that not having that transit expense would not affect a person’s income after all, since transit is not paid for outright to start with. ODSP gives people a certain amount to cover their monthly costs (including the discounted pass) and other than some exceptions, it’s up to the individual how they choose to budget their money. Urban Transit Area fares are covered IF you know to ask! I wonder if that would continue. My worker didn’t know.
In short, if government at all levels play their respective roles, I do think free transit can be more than just a dream. First the City needs to do everything possible to ensure an equitable and accountable system for all of us! Again, I look forward to the day when Transit Commission members recognize that ALL aspects of transit are important to attain true equity!
Making transit stations safer
This has been a week for Ottawa transit – the train derailed on Sunday, the city held a long Transit Commission meeting on Monday, and a judge acquitted a transit driver in the Westboro bus crash.
On Friday, the drivers’ union asked for the overhang at Westboro to be removed as a hazard.
Remove Westboro Station overhang, bus drivers' union demands
Earlier, an expert wrote a piece about making transit buses safer.
Shalaby: Westboro crash — We're missing opportunities to make transit buses safer
This article mentions with amazement that the Westboro overhang is still in place – years after the accident.
“An overhang is still in place, a testament to defiance or indifference.
Is there a good reason for the overhang to remain despite mounting evidence of the risk?”
The Ottawa Transit Riders advocate for safety. We are in favour of better training for drivers and for reviewing the built environment to reduce the severity of transit accidents.
There is a whole field of “risk management” that encourages cities to use traffic calming measures and barriers to prevent accidents, but also to reduce the damage. Think of the yellow crash barrels placed at concrete walls on the highway. Sure, we would prefer that drivers avoid crashing into concrete, but if they do lose control, these barriers absorb the impact and make such crashes survivable.
Ottawa is a cold, snowy city where road conditions are often difficult. All the training in the world cannot help if a driver suffers a medical incident, or is attacked, or has to swerve to avoid a toddler on the road … what the Ottawa Transit Riders would like to see is an environment where such a crash is minor.
The problem with the Westboro station (and other similar transitway stations) is that the metal overhang is the exact height to slice through the upper level of a double-decker bus. What should have been a minor crash resulting in dents and scratches, became deadly because the overhang cut through the bus like a can opener and caused life-changing injuries.
We agree with the bus drivers’ union that these overhangs should be removed.
Moving forward, we would like the city to be proactive in reviewing all potentially dangerous barriers.
La semaine a été difficile pour le transport en commun à Ottawa - le train a déraillé dimanche, la ville a tenu une longue réunion de la Commission du transport en commun lundi, et un juge a acquitté un chauffeur de transport en commun dans l'accident d'autobus de Westboro.
Vendredi, le syndicat des chauffeurs a demandé que le surplomb à Westboro soit enlevé car il représente un danger.
Remove Westboro Station overhang, bus drivers' union demands
Plus tôt, un expert a écrit un article sur la façon de rendre les bus de transport en commun plus sûrs : Shalaby: Westboro crash — We're missing opportunities to make transit buses safer
Cet article mentionne avec étonnement que le surplomb de Westboro est toujours en place - des années après l'accident.
« Un surplomb est toujours en place, témoignage de défiance ou d'indifférence.
Y a-t-il une bonne raison pour que le surplomb reste en place malgré les preuves croissantes du risque ? »
Le groupe des usagers du transport en commun d'Ottawa défendent la sécurité. Nous sommes en faveur d'une meilleure formation des conducteurs et de la révision de l'environnement bâti pour réduire la gravité des accidents de transport en commun.
Il existe tout un domaine de la « gestion des risques » qui encourage les villes à utiliser des mesures de modération du trafic et des barrières pour prévenir les accidents, mais aussi pour en réduire les dégâts. Pensez aux barils de sécurité jaunes placés le long des murs de béton sur l'autoroute. Bien sûr, nous préférerions que les conducteurs évitent de percuter le béton, mais s'ils perdent le contrôle de leur véhicule, ces barrières absorbent l'impact et permettent de survivre à de tels accidents.
Ottawa est une ville froide et enneigée où les conditions routières sont souvent difficiles. Toute la formation du monde ne peut rien faire si un conducteur est victime d'un incident médical, d'une agression ou s'il doit faire un écart pour éviter un enfant sur la route... Ce que le groupe des usagers du transport en commun d'Ottawa aimeraient voir, c'est un environnement où un tel accident est mineur.
Le problème de la station Westboro (et d'autres stations similaires du Transitway) est que le surplomb métallique est à la hauteur exacte pour trancher le niveau supérieur d'un bus à deux étages. Ce qui aurait dû être une collision mineure se traduisant par des bosses et des éraflures est devenu mortel car le porte-à-faux a tranché le bus comme un ouvre-boîte et a causé des blessures qui ont changé la vie.
Nous sommes d'accord avec le syndicat des chauffeurs de bus pour dire que ces porte-à-faux devraient être supprimés.
À l'avenir, nous aimerions que la ville soit proactive en examinant toutes les barrières potentiellement dangereuses.
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Healthy Transportation Coalition video
The Healthy Transportation Coalition has released a short video filmed in 2019 talking about transportation issues in Ottawa. It features a number of people who contributed to developing the Ottawa Transit Riders, including current board member Sally Thomas and former board member John Woodhouse.
Take a moment to watch – it’s beautifully done.
Transportation Equity in Ottawa
Keep an eye on the transportation plan – how do we build a city that serves ALL residents?
What does your candidate say about public transit?
The Ottawa Transit Riders are members of the Canada-wide campaign #KeepTransitMoving. In this Federal election, we are hoping that candidates support operational funding of our transit systems.
Ask your candidate where they stand on public transit.
Do they understand that public transit is a key tool in combatting climate change?
Do they value public transit for reducing congestion?
Do they support accessible public transit?
Do they agree that public transit should be affordable?
Click on the link to hear from the Canadian Urban Transit Association: Transit Keeps Canadians Moving / Cliquez sur le lien pour entendre l'Association canadienne du transport urbain : Le transport collectif fait avancer les Canadiens
Le groupe des usagers du transport en commun d'Ottawa sont membres de la campagne pancanadienne #KeepTransitMoving. Dans cette élection fédérale, nous espérons que les candidats soutiennent le financement opérationnel de nos systèmes de transport en commun.
Demandez à votre candidat quelle est sa position sur le transport en commun.
Comprend-il que le transport en commun est un outil clé dans la lutte contre le changement climatique ?
Apprécie-t-elle le transport en commun pour réduire la congestion ?
Est-il favorable à l'accessibilité des transports en commun ?
Est-elle d'accord pour dire que les transports en commun doivent être abordables ?
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Very interesting panel on transit #Vote2021
On August 31st, the #KeepTransitMoving campaign hosted a panel on transit issues that should be discussed in the election. It was co-hosted by a number of transit advocacy groups, including the Ottawa Transit Riders. Three panelists: Elizabeth May, Green Party Candidate for Saanich – Gulf Islands and former leader of the Green Party of Canada, Avi Lewis, NDP Candidate for West Vancouver – Sunshine Coast - Sea to Sky Country, and Jonathan Wilkinson, Liberal Party Candidate for North Vancouver and Environment Minister took turns answering questions about public transit.
To watch the event, click on this link: Keep Transit Moving #VoteTransit2021 Townhall
The event was lively and entertaining as each panelist advocated for their position.
Take some time to click on the link and listen to the debate.
Transit Rally for an Emergency Meeting
On Wednesday, several city councillors held a rally calling on the mayor and the chair of the Transit Commission to reconvene to discuss the problems with the LRT.
Our flagship train broke down again this morning. For those keeping track, it has recently had problems with the brakes and experienced a broken axel. Previously, it had trouble handling the heat, the cold, snow, and ice … and sometimes the doors don’t work.
Experts with the transportation safety board have expressed concern.
Here are some interviews with councillors expressing concern and frustration, not only with the LRT, but the lack of action from the mayor.
CTV: City hall protesters demand answers on OC Transpo
CBC: Councillors rally against 'governing by memo' on LRT issues
City News: Calls for more transparency around Ottawa public transit issues continue
Problèmes à OC Transpo : des élus et résidents d’Ottawa demandent des comptes
And here is a facebook link to the speeches, including one from a member of the Ottawa Transit Riders calling for “truth about the train”. / Et voici un lien Facebook vers les discours, dont un d’un membre des Usagers du transport en commun d’Ottawa appelant à la « vérité sur le train ».
Mercredi, plusieurs conseillers municipaux ont tenu un rassemblement demandant au maire et au président de la Commission de transport de se réunir à nouveau pour discuter des problèmes avec le TLR.
Notre train phare est de nouveau tombé en panne ce matin. Pour ceux qui gardent la trace, il a récemment eu des problèmes avec les freins et a connu un axel cassé. Auparavant, il avait du mal à gérer la chaleur, le froid, la neige et la glace... et parfois les portes ne fonctionnent pas.
Les experts du Bureau de la sécurité des transports ont exprimé des préoccupations.
Voici quelques entrevues avec des conseillers qui ont exprimé leur inquiétude et leur frustration, non seulement à l’égard du TLR, mais aussi à l’égard de l’inaction du maire.
Rally for an emergency meeting regarding the LRT
In response to the recent problems plaguing Ottawa’s two-year-old LRT system, and the Transit Commission Chair’s refusal to hold a Transit Commission meeting on this important matter that daily affects the lives of residents, Councillors Shawn Menard (Capital Ward) and Catherine McKenney (Somerset Ward) will be hosting a public rally this Wednesday at 11:00 am in front of City Hall.
Councillors To Hold Rail Transparency Rally
PRESS RELEASE: Community Groups Demand Emergency Transit Commission Meeting Over Safety Concerns Amid Constant News of Failing LRT System
En réponse aux récents problèmes qui affectent le réseau de TLR d'Ottawa, vieux de deux ans, et au refus du président de la Commission du transport de tenir une réunion de la Commission sur cette question importante qui affecte quotidiennement la vie des résidents, les conseillers Shawn Menard (Capital Ward) et Catherine McKenney (Somerset) organiseront un rassemblement public ce mercredi à 11 h devant l'hôtel de ville.
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Ask election candidates if they support transit
With the election in full swing, we encourage everyone who cares about transit to ask their candidates if they support public transit.
Forcing transit agencies to rely on fares is a losing proposition – rising fares discourage people from using transit; cuts to service affect teens, seniors, and low income citizens the most.
Ask candidates to support OPERATIONAL funding for public transit – it’s a win-win solution.
The Star: Ensuring public transit’s survival means more than ribbon-cutting
Ottawa Citizen: Transit needs continued support to keep Canada moving