The Ottawa Transit Riders board stands with the tenants of Manor Village and all those who stand to be evicted due to the alignment of Phase 3 of the LRT. We urge the City of Ottawa to reconsider the alignment of the train and to re-examine the five other possible options for this section of track.
Displacing people and destroying affordable housing near the LRT is completely antithetical to the city’s goals. Ottawa deserves an effective public transit system, but it should not come at the cost of marginalized people, and is particularly tone-deaf in light of the City’s declaration of a housing and homelessness emergency. These evictions are cruel and unjust.
ACORN is organizing a rally in opposition to the evictions at Marion Dewar Plaza on November 25 at 9am. Members of the Ottawa Transit Riders board will be in attendance and we encourage all OTR members to attend if able.
We also urge OTR members to call the Mayor and their councillor, and to share ACORN’s online action.
ACORN's rally:
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