Watch out for fare inspections

We’ve all done it – after waiting for too long in poor weather, our transfer has expired, the bus is packed, and the fare reader at the back doesn’t work …

OC Transpo recently ran a fare inspection blitz between October and December and handed out about 287 tickets.

The cost of evading transit fare is $260, which is a shocking amount of money considering how many low income people require public transit to get around.

Members of the Ottawa Transit Riders were unimpressed with the focus on going after transit riders.

OC Transpo: Fare inspection ramps up, with $75,000 of tickets last fall | CTV News

More than $1,900 worth of fare-dodging fines issued per day on OC Transpo | CBC News

For comparison, parking a car in a bike lane will cost a driver about $125.


The next Transit Commission meeting is Thursday, February 8th. Contact Eric Pelot, Committee Coordinator [email protected], (613) 580-2424, ext. 22953 if you want to speak.

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