Orléans Transit Forum / Forum sur les transports en commun à Orléans

On March 25th, the Ottawa Transit Riders will host a forum for local residents to talk transit. Come join us. We want to hear about your frustrations – which buses are cancelled often, which ones are often over-crowded?

We want to hear solutions too. Would you re-instate express buses? Are there routes that need more capacity? Are there destination in Orleans that need more service?

Sign up here on Eventbrite so we know how many cookies to buy.  

Transit is an essential service – let’s make it a priority for this new council.


Le 25 mars, le groupe des usagers de transport en commun d'Ottawa organisera un forum pour les résidents locaux afin de parler de transport en commun. Venez vous joindre à nous. Nous voulons entendre vos frustrations – quels autobus sont souvent annulés, lesquels sont souvent surchargé? Nous voulons aussi entendre des solutions. Rétabliriez-vous les bus express ? Y a-t-il des lignes qui besoin de plus de capacite ? Y a-t-il une destination à Orléans qui nécessite plus de services ?

Inscrivez-vous ici pour que nous sachions combien de biscuits acheter.

Le transport en commun est un service essentiel - faisons-en une priorité pour ce nouveau conseil.


A poster advertising the Orleans Transit Forum. It is red, black, and white. On one side, there are speech bubbles that say "COME SHARE YOUR CONCERNS" and "VENEZ PARTAGER VOS PREOCCUPATIONS". There is a bus line drawing in the lower left of the poster (on a red background) and black silhouettes of a diverse range of people across the bottom, also on a red background. One is quite tall, one uses a wheelchair, one is scratching their head, the second last is gesturing, and the last one is heavier and is gesturing with one hand. On the upper right of the poster, there's a white text box with the address and time/date of the forum. Bob MacQuarrie Recreation Complex - Hall H. 1490 Youville Dr. Orleans. March 25, 1 to 4pm.

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