Recent Transit News

Transit has been in the news lately. Here is a list of recent articles:

An excellent summary of the trials and tribulations of our “beloved” LRT.

Ottawa’s Transit Gong Show | The Walrus

Serious concerns about the effects of the new mayor’s austerity budget:

Community groups take aim at what's missing as city council contemplates 2023 budget | Ottawa Citizen

Planned cuts to transit alarm Ottawa coalition warning of further erosion of public system - Capital Current

Tight budget could leave transit riders exposed to the elements | CBC News


A small bit of good news:

Ottawa green-lights purchase of 350 electric transit buses (


Remember that Ottawa Transit Riders and Free Transit Ottawa continue to advocate for FREE transit for people on ODSP (Ontario Disability Support Program) and OW (Ontario Works).

Sign the petition here:

Free Transit for OW and ODSP Recipients | Free Transit Ottawa


The Ottawa Transit Riders will be in Orleans on March 25th to talk with locals about their local routes and what can be done to improve neighbourhood transit.

Join us: Orléans Transit Forum / Forum sur les transports en commun à Orléans Tickets, Sat, 25 Mar 2023 at 1:00 PM | Eventbrite

Showing 2 reactions

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  • Gisele Doyle
    commented 2023-03-26 13:32:59 -0400
    Good afternoon. I dropped in to the Forum yesterday, but did not stay due to the inclement weather. I left our Chapel Hill South Association’s comments and suggestions. I just want to ensure that you are aware that these were from the Association’s members only. Although we had posted the forum on our Facebook page, there had been no comments received from our community at large.

    It would be appreciated, if a summary of the Forum could be made available for us to post.
  • Kari Glynes Elliott
    published this page in News and activities / Les nouvelles et activités 2023-03-03 10:56:12 -0500