If you’re a public servant or know one, you may be aware of the game that is played on Christmas Eve called “will we go home early?”
Officially, December 24th is a regular workday. If you want to take if off, you have to take the full 7.5 hours. But UNOFFICIALLY, sometimes public servants are allowed to go home early.
What does that mean? Well, if you ARE allowed to leave work early, you flood into the streets to discover that there are few buses because neither OC Transpo nor STO plan for an influx of commuters going home at noon. Office start and finish times are usually staggered, which minimizes rush hour pressure, but not on Christmas Eve.
So transit is a mess. And once people have played this game a few times, they realize that transit doesn’t function that day so lots and LOTS of people drive to work on Christmas Eve – thus increasing traffic and parking woes during an already busy season.
Let’s stop playing this silly game.
Treasury Board should decide in advance if December 24th is a full day or a half day. And they should warn the transit system well in advance … like six months in advance so that OC Transpo and STO can make arrangements for the day.
We’re adults. Pretending to be delightfully surprised when the boss sends us home early one day per year is a little beneath us.
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