Online budget consultation - Mon. Oct 19th

An online budget consultation will be held Monday, October 19, 2020 from 6:30PM to 8 PM hosted by


Councillor Kavanagh - Ward 7 Bay - [email protected]

Councillor Leiper - Ward 15 Kitchissippi - [email protected]

Councillor Brockington - Ward 16 River - [email protected]


To participate, please email or contact one of the councillors directly.

Democracy is more than a once-every-four-years exercise in voting. These consultations should be an opportunity for residents to express opinions on the direction the city should be moving and how our money should be spent.

The pandemic has shone a light on our inequalities and frailties. Where would we be without grocery staff, pharmacy employees, and healthcare workers? Did you bang pots and pans in appreciation for essential workers?

Does the budget reflect our values?


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