Nov 18th Transit Commission 101

Transit Commission 101

As you may know, Ottawa Transit Riders is part of a coalition of local groups advocating for the city to make its upcoming budget more people-friendly. We are angry that the city is proposing to raise transit fares by 2.5% in January.

Are you willing to join us? Here are three things you can do:

  1. Sign the petition at Horizon Ottawa to stop the fare increase: #FlattenTheFares petition 
  2. Contact your own city councillor and ask them to vote “no” on the proposal. Click here for a list of city councillors  
  3. Sign up to speak at the online Transit Commission meeting on November 18th. You can email Eric Pelot at [email protected] to ask to speak as a delegate.

If you are willing to speak at the Transit Meeting but are nervous about how to make your point, here’s a primer on presenting at the Transit Commission meeting, including some potential speaking points.

Next Transit Commission meeting:

  • Wednesday, November 18, 2020; 9:30am (end time is variable).

Main links of interest:


How do I get myself on the speakers’ list?

  • To be put on the Transit Commission speakers’ list, contact Eric Pelot at [email protected]  and indicate that you wish to speak at the next Transit Commission meeting (include the agenda item you wish to address).

How does it all work?

  • You’ll be sent a zoom link a day or two before the meeting. If you are concerned about technology (e.g., unreliable internet), you can contact the committee coordinator for the call-in number.
  • Make note of the speaking order on the agenda. This will give you a better idea of when your turn will take place, though it is important to note that your turn may arrive early if other delegates are not present.
  • You may speak in your official language of choice.
  • You’ll have up to five minutes to speak (although it is not necessary to use your full allotment)
  • If you want to provide a slide show, send your presentation to Eric Pelot in advance. 

Speaking Points (use your own words and talk about whatever you want - these notes are for guidance and consistency only)

  • During this difficult time, the people riding public transit are dependent on transit. Many are essential workers, some are low income residents - it is wrong to ask them to shoulder more of the costs.
  • We are in the midst of a climate emergency and cities have a responsibility to encourage people to use alternatives to private cars - raising fares DISCOURAGES people from using transit. Ottawa is moving in the wrong direction.
  • The LRT has not yet proven itself reliable, especially in winter weather - we should not have to pay more for such unreliable service.


Your presentation will be much more effective if you can talk about your own experience and your own personal reasons for opposing the fare increase.

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