Looking for Ottawa's WORST bus stop

Transit is about more than buses and trains. We should also be thinking about schedules and comfort. We’re turning our attention to the built environment, to whit, bus stops in Ottawa.

We are inspired by a competition for the sorriest bus stop in North America run by Streetsblog USA where the entries are truly … jaw dropping, and not in a good way. This year’s sorriest bus stop is in Quebec, but honestly all the finalists are terrifying and terrible in their own way.

And the Sorriest Bus Stop in North America Is…

It is painful and irritating and frustrating that transit riders are forced to wait at stops by the side of highways and bike lanes and ditches. It’s such an example of how little some cities care for their residents who ride buses.

So what about Ottawa? Do we have stops in the middle of fields where riders are left exposed to our delightful weather? Do we have stops without ramps that leave people in wheelchairs stranded? Does construction block access to a stop?

Welcome to our first (hopefully not last) competition for Ottawa’s worst bus stop. Send us your suggestions … pictures and addresses. Please submit your entry to Ottawa’s worst bus stop either by emailing it to [email protected] or by tweeting it to @OttTransitRiders

People will be invited to vote for the worst bus stop in Ottawa.

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