New Information Session October 1st

Now that the LRT is up and running, many routes across the city will be re-organized on October 6th.


Councillors Mathieu Fleury, Catherine McKenney, and Rawlson King are hosting an information session on Tuesday, October 1, 2019 from 5-7PM at Rideau Centre (the pedestrian overpass between the Bay and Rideau Centre).

OC Transpo staff will be there to answer questions.



Maintenant que le TLR est opérationnel, de nombreux circuits à travers la ville seront réorganisés le 6 octobre.


Les conseillers Mathieu Fleury, Catherine McKenney et Rawlson King tiendront une séance d'information le mardi 1er octobre 2019 de 17 h à 19 h au Centre Rideau (la passerelle pour piétons entre la Baie et le Centre Rideau).

Le personnel d'OC Transpo sera là pour répondre aux questions.


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OTR will NOT be at Lansdowne Farmer's Market this weekend

Plans have changed and members of the Ottawa Transit Riders will not be at Lansdowne on Sunday, September 22nd. The event will be re-scheduled - details coming soon.

To become a member of the Ottawa Transit Riders, click on the button above that says “Become a Member / Rejoignez-nous



Marché de producteurs agricoles à Lansdowne

Les membres du groupe des usagers de transport en commun d'Ottawa ne seront plus à Lansdowne le dimanche 22 septembre.


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Launch of the LRT

Two board members, Sam Boswell and John Redins, were fortunate enough to be invited to represent the Ottawa Transit Riders at the big Light Rail Transit opening day festivities on September 14, 2019! It was a thrill to be included in such a momentous event and a nice acknowledgement that the city recognizes what we’re trying to do and is interested in working with us and our members.

The launch festivities were set up in the open space at Tunney’s Station, right on the other side of the turnstiles, and there were about 400 people in attendance, ranging from RTG executives and construction contractors, past and current mayors and councillors, and regular citizens. The event was well put-together and featured the Eagle River Singers opening the event; Albert Dumont, elder and spiritual advisor for the Algonquin, Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg, performing a very moving blessing; and then speeches from Councillor Allan Hubley, Mayor Jim Watson, and Caroline Mulroney, Ontario’s Minister of Transportation.

After all the speeches, a commemorative plaque was unveiled and then the system was ceremonially turned on with a countdown from the crowd...with the literal pushing of a giant button on stage, a voice came over the speakers announcing that the Confederation Line was now turned on and ready to serve customers! It should’ve been cheesy but it was fun; it’s nice to see Ottawa moving into the 21st century and joining all of the other cities that already have light rail or subways. After a short sound and light show, the crowd was moved (in colour-coded groups) to the actual train ride portion of the morning.

The train experience was smooth, fast, and honestly quite fun; after hearing so much about this system over the past few years, it was quite amazing to actually be on one! The ride took guests from Tunney’s Pasture to Blair and back, stopping at each station to let guests see the platform areas (though nobody was allowed to get off). The stations looked clean and bright and each had something individual about it (e.g silhouettes of flying geese at Lees Station) to make it stand out a bit from the windows.

Now that the LRT is launched, we need to renew our calls for OC Transpo to put time, money, and energy into improving the conventional bus transit system; people without access to the trains still need reliable, efficient bus service! And if people near the trains cannot GET to the trains, these shiny new trains will run empty...and that would be a sad state of affairs after waiting so long!

Exciting times in Ottawa transit!

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Notes from announcement on online booking for Para

Several people from Healthy Transportation Coalition and one board member of the Ottawa Transit Riders attended the announcement on September 13th regarding online booking for customers of Para Transpo.

This is what was announced:

  • There will be an interim solution of a web request form available by the end of 2019
  • There will be a full suite of online services offered by end of 2020 with options to track location and progress
  • OC Transpo will use a "first come, first serve" method for bookings 
  • Further details will be discussed at an upcoming meeting (not sure if they meant September 18th or later meeting).

We still have questions about capacity and feedback once the service is launched, but supporters of #ParaParity are feeling optimistic.

Online booking coming to Para Transpo


Supporters are going to attend the next Transit commission meeting on September 18th at 9:30 to encourage councillors to work towards equitable and accessible transit.

For further details, see this page at Healthy Transportation Coalition where you can RSVP:


Come and join us.



Plusieurs personnes de la Coalition pour un transport en santé et un membre du conseil d'administration du groupe des usagers de transport en commun d'Ottawa ont assisté à l'annonce du 13 septembre concernant la réservation en ligne pour les clients de Para Transpo.

C'est ce qui a été annoncé :

  • Une solution provisoire d'un formulaire de demande par Internet sera disponible d'ici la fin de 2019.
  • Une gamme complète de services en ligne sera offerte d'ici la fin de 2020, avec des options pour suivre l'emplacement et les progrès.
  • OC Transpo utilisera la méthode du "premier arrivé, premier servi" pour les réservations.
  • D'autres détails seront discutés lors d'une prochaine réunion (je ne sais pas s'il s'agit du 18 septembre ou d'une réunion ultérieure).

Nous avons encore des questions sur la capacité et les commentaires une fois le service lancé, mais les partisans de #ParaParity sont optimistes.

Online booking coming to Para Transpo

Les partisans assisteront à la prochaine réunion de la commission du transport en commun le 18 septembre à 9 h 30 afin d'encourager les conseillers municipaux à travailler pour un transport en commun équitable et accessible.

Pour plus de détails, voir cette page de la Coalition pour des transports sains où vous pouvez répondre à la question :


Venez vous joindre à nous.


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Announcement on #ParaParity - September 13th

Councillors Allan Hubley and Jean Cloutier (chair and vice-chair of the Transit Commission) revealed today that they would be making an announcement tomorrow (September 13th) about the future of online services for users of ParaTranspo.

Supporters of the #ParaParity campaign are crossing their fingers that the announcement will address long-standing demands for same-day online booking. It is hoped that the announcement will establish a specific date for implementation, not merely a promise to implement this service ‘some time in the future’.

It is terribly ironic of course that in providing such short notice (less than 24 hours), the councillors have made it almost impossible for many users of Para Transpo to attend the announcement.

If this is indeed a good news story, it is a pity that advocates of online booking have not been invited or encouraged or accommodated.


September 13th, 11am

Mayor's reception area, second floor, Heritage building, City Hall



Les conseillers Allan Hubley et Jean Cloutier (président et vice-président de la Commission du transport en commun) ont révélé aujourd'hui qu'ils feraient une annonce demain (13 septembre) sur l'avenir des services en ligne pour les usagers de ParaTranspo.

Les partisans de la campagne #ParaParité se croisent les doigts pour annoncer que l'annonce répondra à une demande de longue date de réservation en ligne le jour même. On espère que l'annonce établira une date précise pour la mise en œuvre, et non pas simplement une promesse de mettre en œuvre ce service "à un moment donné dans l'avenir".

Il est bien sûr terriblement ironique qu'en donnant un préavis aussi court (moins de 24 heures), les conseillers municipaux aient rendu presque impossible pour de nombreux usagers de Para Transpo d'assister à l'annonce.

S'il s'agit effectivement d'une bonne nouvelle, il est dommage que les partisans de la réservation en ligne n'aient pas été invités, encouragés ou accommodés.


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Outreach at Farmer's Markets

Two board members went to Barrhaven on Sunday to spread the news about Ottawa Transit Riders. We weren’t sure how much interest there would be considering that most customers at this market probably drive, but we were pleasantly surprised.

We met a lady who had just returned from Europe and she raved about the quality of public transit in cities like Barcelona for example – “why can’t we have that in Ottawa?” she asked.

We met a lady who rides ParaTranspo who was spitting MAD at the poor quality of transit service in Ottawa. She’s worried that the city is pushing Para users to use regular transit without providing adequate support.

More than a few people wanted to know when the LRT would be extended to Barrhaven.

A number of people talked to us about how recent changes to the bus routes had left them scrambling.

It was an interesting day although exhausting.


We’re not sure if we’ll be at the Main Street market on Saturday considering how many other events are going on that day, but we’ll be at Lansdowne on Sunday, September 22nd for sure.


The Transit Commission meets on Wednesday, September 18th at 9:30 and we’ll be there wearing red to support #ParaParity

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Another information session on transit changes

Councillors Riley Brockington, Jean Cloutier, Diane Deans, Carol Anne Meehan and Shawn Menard are hosting an information session on how the LRT will affect riders in Ottawa South.

When: Monday, September 9th from 7-8:30PM

Where: Jim Durrell Recreation Centre 



Les conseillers Riley Brockington, Jean Cloutier, Diane Deans, Carol Anne Meehan et Shawn Menard animent une séance d'information sur les répercussions du TLR sur les usagers au sud d’Ottawa.

Quand : Lundi le 9 septembre 2019 19 h à 20 h 30

Où : Centre communautaire Jim Durrell

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Ottawa Transit Riders at Farmer's Markets

For the next few weeks, members of the Ottawa Transit Riders will be at various Farmer’s Markets around town, talking to residents about transit.

Got questions?

Got suggestions about our campaigns – both current and future?

Come and talk.


We will be at the following markets:

Sunday, September 8thBarrhaven, Nepean Woods Park & Ride at Strandherd and Crestway Drive

Saturday, September 14thMain Street / Old Ottawa East Farmer’s Market, 210 Main street

Sunday, September 22ndLansdowne Park



Au cours des prochaines semaines, les membres du groupe des usagers de transport en commun d'Ottawa se rendront dans divers Marchés de producteurs fermiers pour discuter du transport en commun avec les résidents.

Vous avez des questions ?

Vous avez des suggestions sur nos campagnes - actuelles et futures ?

Venez et parlez.


Nous serons présents sur les marchés suivants :

Dimanche 8 septembre - Barrhaven, parc-o-bus Nepean Woods à Strandherd et Crestway Drive

Samedi 14 septembre - rue Main / Vieux marché des fermiers de l'Est d'Ottawa, 210 rue Main

Dimanche 22 septembre - Parc Lansdowne

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The Merry Dairy - Sunday 4PM at the University of Ottawa

Members of the Ottawa Transit Riders will be hanging around the Merry Dairy ice cream truck on Sunday from 4-4:30 at Laurier and Waller.

Come say “hi!”

Sign up to be on our mailing list!

Ask us about our campaigns - #ParaParity is on now … we’re about to launch a campaign for Fair Fares.

Got ideas? Suggestions? We’re listening. 



Les membres du groupe des usagers de transport en commun d'Ottawa traîneront autour du camion de crème glacée Merry Dairy le dimanche de 16 h à 16 h 30 à Laurier et Waller.

Viens dire bonjour !

Inscrivez-vous à notre liste d'envoi !

Interrogez-nous sur nos campagnes - #ParaParité est en ligne en ce moment... nous sommes sur le point de lancer une campagne pour des tarifs équitables.

Vous avez des idées ? Des suggestions ? Nous vous écoutons. 


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Police file charges against driver in deadly bus crash

In December 2018, a double-decker OC Transpo bus crashed into the Westboro transitway station. The overhead awning sliced through the top level of the bus causing catastrophic damage. Three people died, many others were injured and traumatized.

A number of articles about the crash can be found here:

Denley: OC Transpo crash – all public transit puts riders at risk 

The Ottawa Transit Riders group is less interested in assigning blame than in looking at whether similar situations can be avoided or mitigated.

We would like to know if driver training and supervision is adequate.

Has a risk analysis been done on the overhead awnings on the transitway to reduce any further damage if another bus crashes into one? Can anything been done to make them safer – like raising the height or making them crumple upon impact?

We would like to see an inquiry undertaken by the Transportation Safety Board (TSB) like the one completed after a fatal 2013 crash between an OC Transpo double-decker bus and a Via Rail train.

Charging this bus driver removes one person; it doesn’t address safety concerns in general.

Westboro bus crash survivors, families say charges don't bring closure

Accident d'autobus à la station Westboro : la chauffeuse fait face à 38 chefs d'accusation



En décembre 2018, un autobus à deux étages d'OC Transpo s'est écrasé sur la station du Transitway Westboro. L'auvent supérieur a traversé le niveau supérieur de l'autobus, causant des dommages catastrophiques. Trois personnes sont mortes, beaucoup d'autres ont été blessées et traumatisées.

Un certain nombre d'articles sur le crash peuvent être trouvés ici :

Denley: OC Transpo crash – all public transit puts riders at risk 

Le groupe des usagers du transport en commun d'Ottawa est moins intéressé à attribuer le blâme qu'à examiner si des situations semblables peuvent être évitées ou atténuées.

Nous aimerions savoir si la formation et la supervision des conducteurs sont adéquates.

A-t-on effectué une analyse des risques sur les auvents du Transitway afin de réduire les dommages additionnels si un autre autobus s'écrase sur l'un d'eux ? Peut-on faire quelque chose pour les rendre plus sécuritaires - comme augmenter la hauteur ou les faire s'effondrer au moment de l'impact ?

Nous aimerions que le Bureau de la sécurité des transports du Canada (BST) mène une enquête comme celle qui a été menée à terme après l'écrasement d'un autobus à deux étages d'OC Transpo et d'un train Via Rail en 2013.

Le fait de charger ce conducteur d'autobus enlève une personne ; cela ne règle pas les problèmes de sécurité en général.

Westboro bus crash survivors, families say charges don't bring closure

Accident d'autobus à la station Westboro : la chauffeuse fait face à 38 chefs d'accusation


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